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3 Books With Neil Pasricha

Sep 25, 2022

I want to make you dizzy.


I want to make you look up into the sky and comprehend, maybe for the first time, the darkness that lies beyond the evanescent wisp of the atmosphere, the endless depths of the cosmos, a desolation by degrees


These two lines begin an incredible poem called “Disorientation”... by Katie...

Sep 23, 2022

Happy Equinox!


Today the sun is directly above the equator so no matter where you are the day and the night are around equal length.


Two equinoxes and two solstices give us four pause points between our regular scheduled lunar programming to drop a little bookmark in the midst of our epic journey about formative...

Sep 10, 2022

Buckle up!


Today we are flying down to hot, hot Austin, Texas where we’re going to grab three chairs on the grackle-filled patio of Mi Madre’s restaurant and order ourselves some enchiladas and #0 breakfast tacos before having lunch with the wise and wonderful Austin Kleon.


Austin in Austin — a treat! Austin...