Mar 24, 2020
3 Books is a completely insane and totally epic 15-year-long quest to uncover the 1000 most formative books in the world. Each chapter is hosted live and in-person at the guest's preferred location by Neil Pasricha, New York Times bestselling author of The Book of Awesome, The Happiness Equation, Two-Minute Mornings, etc. Each chapter of 3 Books uncovers and discusses the three most formative books from one of the world's most inspiring people. Sample guests include: Judy Blume, David Sedaris, Chris Anderson of TED, the founder of the world's largest feminist magazine, the world's greatest Uber driver, Pete Holmes, Angie Thomas, and Malcolm Gladwell. Each of the 333 chapters is dropped on the exact minute of every single new moon and full moon until September 1, 2031. 3 Books is an Apple "Best Of" award-winning show and 100% ad-free, commercial-free, sponsor-free, and interruption-free. For more info check out:
Marcus Buckingham is a global researcher, bestselling author, and thought leader focused on unlocking strengths, increasing performance, and pioneering the future of how people work. He is the co-author of two of the bestselling business books of all time including FIRST BREAK ALL THE RULES and NOW, DISCOVER YOUR STRENGTHS as well as his newest bestseller NINE LIES ABOUT WORK. Building on nearly two decades of experience as a Senior Researcher at Gallup Organization, he currently guides the vision of ADP Research Institute as Head of People + Performance. He founded The Marcus Buckingham Company in 2006 with the clear mission to instigate a "strengths revolution."
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